Thank you to Tony Naylor and the rest of the team from Olive Magazine for my inclusion in this month's Italian special edition! Apparently a number of people there are followers of the blog and a few months back I was contacted and asked to be one of their 'experts' for this special edition. I … [Read more...]

Behind the scenes of ‘Cooking the books’
Towards the end of last year I was contacted by Talkback, the TV production company. They had seen my blog and wanted to invite me to appear on a forthcoming TV food show they were making called 'Cooking the Books', which was due to run on consecutive evenings on Channel 5. First of all I was … [Read more...]

MIA fiera Part 2 – 4th International Artistic Chef Contest
After leaving the Illy stand there was quite a commotion where the Artistica 4th International Artistic Chef Contest was being held. The MIA web site describes it thus: "Organized in collaboration with the FIC (Federation of Italian Chefs) [and] with the sponsorship of the WACS World Association of … [Read more...]

Illy stand at MIA trade fair Rimini
Last weekend we were able to squeeze in a lightning quick trip to Italy to visit the MIA trade fair in Rimini. On a gloriously sunny Italian Sunday there was typical chaos on the door trying to get in. One thing Italians never do of course is queuing... With so much to see, eat and take in, … [Read more...]

Interview in Bath Chronicle Food and Drink June 2006
This was our first ever interview with the Bath Chronicle. We had a lovely write-up from Gabi Woolgar who covers in detail about how Del Sole started, our philosophy for business and some of the things we have in our deli. Thanks again Gabi! Click either photo to enlarge and read the article. … [Read more...]
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